about me music art guestbook

bonjour, welcome to the b l e a m website ! thank you for visiting !

hello guys, this website is a product of my insane
nostalgia of something that I am too young to have lived, the
90s :-P ! Here you'll find very random stuff... you can click on
the links above to explore a bit, i will share little things
that i find interesting, like:

r a d i o h e a d .. s t u f f , other m u s i c stuff, and pretty much just really r a n d o m things found on the world wide web ;-)

DISCLAIMER: This is my very first attempt at creating a website using html, I am learning as I go (with the much needed help of my friend, the internet). So far I am having lots of fun, but obviously the website will evolve as I gain experience and find new ideas for it. This is still a rough draft of what I would like it to be... If you like what you see now, please come back to see the new stuff that will be added, as I work on it pretty much everyday when I have free time :-D

"https://web.archive.org/web/20091023223331/http://www.geocities.com/amiel_roldan/star.gif" http://www.oocities.org/hollywood/9984/gallery.html